Posted At: Nov 01, 2022 - 70 Views

By Ashley Kinsey2022-11-01

When shopping online, if the process is too complicated or unclear, we’re likely to abandon our cart and drop out of the customer lifecycle. According to Baymard Institute, 69.57% of online shopping carts are abandoned. This can be frustrating as a business owner, seeing your potential but missing out on over half of your sales. There are many ways to combat this, and today we’re talking you through various outsourcing solutions to improve your conversion rates.

Customer experience

Online shopping is made to be convenient, which is the main reason people choose this over visiting a physical store. Though questions still arise and there are barriers to a smooth checkout, similar to real life, meaning the same level of support should be in place. Whether this is a live chat feature, call support or emails, answering these questions can be the push customers need to follow through with their purchase.

Implementing a strong CX team can help build advocates and ensure that your customers keep coming back. Building relationships with your customer base means that repeat customers will learn their way around the checkout process and convert with little to no chance of dropping out. Retaining a customer is up to 7x cheaper than acquiring a new one, so this should be a key consideration. As online CX requires no physical interaction, a third-party team can easily exceed expectations.

Technical innovation

A complicated website can steer away customers in seconds, whereas a site that is simple and easy to use encourages browsing, and eventually purchases. Website and software development is a perfect role to outsource as hiring in-house will leave you with a limited candidate pool, due to the skill needed. Utilising a skilled overseas team to optimise the functionality of your website will massively reduce the number of bounced users and consequently, the number of dropouts.

Payment systems are becoming more innovative by the day, with contactless, apple pay and much more. So speed and security are expected when reaching checkouts. If the system appears outdated or you have to manually input every detail, customers are likely to forget about their purchase. Having a modern and user-friendly system made by your outsourced developer would eliminate pinch points moments before conversions.


Often, customers may drop out of the customer lifecycle shortly after being made aware due to poor marketing efforts not generating a desire for products and services. Based on research, over 42% of businesses outsource their marketing due to the simplicity and skill third-party teams have to offer. A strong marketing strategy can help extend people’s understanding of your company and its products/services, making your audience more qualified to buy.

Using marketing to properly paint the picture of your company’s values and mission can make an audience feel more connected to the brand. If your values and the atmosphere of your brand are aligned with what your audience stands for, you’re instantly strengthening your customer lifecycle, though it takes a knowledgeable team to implement this successfully.

Too late to prevent dropouts? Well, with the right marketing you can get some of these prospective customers back on your radar. Using social media tracking, you can easily and relatively cheaply retarget those who have abandoned their cart or bounced from your site. A smart pay-per-click (PPC) campaign can successfully increase your sales, and this can be managed by a specialist in any place around the world.


Not every business can convert customers with no contact and a simple online purchase, when the value of your products and services is high, prospects will need much more nurturing. A dedicated sales team can give your contacts the push they need to become customers. With the right training of an outsourced team, there would be minimal difference compared to an in-house workforce. In addition to this, your profit margins will be thanking you as you increase your sales and see a generous cost return on your team.

How DeskFrnd can help

Here at DeskFrnd, we offer global teams of experts who specialise in all the above and much more. We save you significant amounts on your labour overheads, giving you the flexibility and scalability that an in-house team is missing. With fluctuating requirements, our dynamic teams are the perfect middle ground between traditional outsourcing and recruiting in-house workers. Success is in your hands, having full control over training and supporting your worker once deployed. However, we’re still by your side to mitigate any issues.

Need resource gaps filled? Book a frndly chat with us today to discuss your requirements.